Level Designer & Technical Designer

Game and Level Designer
My Responsibilities:
Designing and developing a virtual escape room in Unity, enhancing problem-solving skills through immersive puzzle-solving experiences for PC, VR, and AR platforms
Owning the level design process for the escape room levels from concept to final product, including Sketching level layouts, building level blockouts and iterating on levels that have at least 45 minutes of gameplay
Prototyping engaging puzzles and scenarios, and implementing level progression using Unity editor tools to create engaging environments
Developing player interactions and puzzle systems with C# scripting in Unity, creating immersive and responsive gameplay experiences and ensuring levels meet technical specifications
Refining gameplay and puzzle ideas that seamlessly fit within the narrative while ensuring technical feasibility within engine and resources constraints, balancing storytelling and implementation efficiency
Collaborating with cross-functional teams to facilitate research studies, document findings, and implement iterative design changes, improving player experience and gameplay quality
Genre: Virtual Escape Room on PC and XR platforms
​Software: Unity